A New Beginning

By Pastor Peter Park

When I first received the phone call from the District Superintendent informing me that I would be appointed to serve as a pastor at Yuba City FUMC, I was in shock. I had never imagined I would go so far north. Although I had heard of Yuba City before, I knew little about the area, including its heat. I became well-acquainted with Yuba City during the first two weeks of July while I drove back and forth between Santa Rosa and Yuba City. One Sunday, it was 110°F in Yuba City, but when I returned to Santa Rosa later that day, it was 79°F. That 79°F felt unusually cool. Our move to Yuba City was hectic, with too many things to pack and unpack in the sweltering summer heat, and settling in felt chaotic, like wandering through a maze in search of an exit.

The launch of this website is one of the projects I had been considering since my arrival. I often say, “God is the Way Maker, and I’m the Website Maker,” because I have been doing this for the past seven years. FUMC Yuba City is my third church appointment, and this website is the third one I’ve created. For me, building a new church website is like giving the church a facelift. It offers a fresh look, brings a new perspective, and hopefully attracts newcomers, visitors, and future members. In other words, it is a rebranding and rebirth. This is particularly fitting for FUMC, as we now have a new logo and a new motto along with the new website. This site includes resources that can benefit everyone, including members, such as Bible Study previews, past sermons, and prayer requests.

However, the more I reflect and pray about the current state of our church amidst all the changes, I realize that changing our outward appearance cannot and should not be our ultimate goal. Oswald Chambers' timeless wisdom reminds us of what our true goal should be: “To be born again means that I see Jesus with my own eyes.” My hope is that people will see Jesus through this website and through our ministry. That is my prayer and desire as we embark on this new chapter in the life of First United Methodist Church of Yuba City.